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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/bbcode.php on line 112: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/bbcode.php on line 112: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
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[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/bbcode.php on line 112: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
[phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file /includes/bbcode.php on line 112: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead
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Dragon.ee foorum • Vaata teemat - Home rules (3e)
Leht 1 koguhulgast 3

Home rules (3e)

PostitusPostitatud: 21:03 9. Dets 2002
Postitas samwise
tean, et teise sektsiooni pandi sama teema, kuid sooviks teada täpsemalt millised nn. home rule'd teie mängudes eksisteerivad :)

võibolla võiks need kõik kokku koguda ja avaldada lehel lisana? ma usun, et DM'idele oleks sellest kasu küll :)

PostitusPostitatud: 22:15 9. Dets 2002
Postitas Irve
Teema on õigustatud, sest antud kontekst on 3E ;)

Mina muutusi väga pole teinud, püüan mängida reeglijärgselt.

Kosmeetilise parandusena muutsin kuldrahad hõberahadeks ja hõberahad vaskrahadeks jne.

Tulirelvad läbistavad esimesed neli punkti turvist. (Otsin töötavat reeglistikku, et AC asendada damage reductioniga)

EXPi jagan peamiselt rollimängupõhist (nagunii on võitlust vähe)

Ahjaa, "Spiked armor" ühes teises teemas meenutas, et pole järgnevaid asju:
Spiked Chain, Dire Flail, võib-olla unustasin midagi.

PostitusPostitatud: 14:17 10. Dets 2002
Postitas heiki_e

PostitusPostitatud: 16:04 10. Dets 2002
Postitas Irve

PostitusPostitatud: 17:15 10. Dets 2002
Postitas Udutont

PostitusPostitatud: 19:28 10. Dets 2002
Postitas peil

PostitusPostitatud: 23:14 15. Dets 2002
Postitas Payl

PostitusPostitatud: 0:18 22. Dets 2002
Postitas Teemon
kunagi tekkis j2rgnev m6te, aga peale m6ningast j2relem6tlemist hakkas asi aina keerukamaks minema (et v2ltida abusemist) ning k2iku ta ei l2inudki...
aga j2rsku pakub kellegile huvi...
samas on k6ik kommentaarid teretulnud, j2rsku saab sellest peale kerget mudimist asja...
asi lihtsalt selles, et loodud rohkem 2e jaoks ning osa asju tuleks 3e korral ringi teha

lyhidalt kokkuv6etuna:

1. every attacker after the first one who spends all his attacks on the same target gives him cumulative -1 penalty to his AC. so 2 attackers means -1, 3 means -2 etc
2. the target can (but dont have to) negate his AC penalty against ONE attacker, but then his penalty doubles against all the other attackers.
3. everything is taken round-by-round

alguses oli k6ik lihtne:

i have been thinking of a house rule that adds penalty to defenders AC if he is against more than one opponents and they all spend a full round attacking him... (a bit like star wars rpg combat system)
for example: 2 archers (each 2 attacks/round) and 2 swordmen are fighting w/ an ogre.
1. archer 1 fires 1 arrow @ the ogre and the second one against some enemy archer.
2. the second archer fires 2 arrows @ the ogre
3. both swordman spend their full attacks trying to hit the ogre.

since its much more difficult to defend yourself against several attakers @ the same time than against only one attacker, the ogre gets penalty to his AC. every attacker who spends his all attacks against the ogre gives -1 cumulative penalty (the first attacker doesnt count, the penalty starts from the second attacker)
so there were 3 attackers who spent all their attacks against the same target. so the penaly to ogres AC is -2.
the first archer doesnt increase this penalty as he fired only 1 arrow against the ogre.

the point is that its VERY difficult to defend yourself if you are surrounded by attackers. much more difficult than defending yourself against only 1 attacker.

try to dodge if 10 archers are shooting arrows @ you @ the same time...

imho this makes things more realistic. and to get that penalty to targets AC only the attackers who spend all their attacks count. this is to avoid abusing that system.

i know there are few profs, feats etc that somehow simulate this house rule, but i think this should be available to everyone as its not THAT complicated

peale veidi arutamist ilmnes abusemise variante:

ok, one little modification to that house rule: the target can consentrate on one attacker and negate his AC penalty against him, but doing this doubles the AC penalty he has against the everybody else.
an example: paladin is fighting 3 kobolds and a troll (all of them using all attacks against the paladin). he decides to pretty much ignore the kobolds and consentrate on the much more dangerous opponent - troll. if he didnt do this, he would have a -3 penalty to his AC against all opponents. but now he has his nonmodified AC against the troll and double AC penalty (-6) against the kobolds.
btw that "consentration" on the troll means the paladin is just attacking/defending himself against the troll while pretty much ignoring the kobolds. so he cant attack the kobolds in that round before the troll is killed or otherwise out of combat.
but this is entirely optional - ignoring your opponents during a fight can have serios (and sad) results...

and one more clarification - that AC penalty to defenders AC lasts all that round he is attacked. no matter who or what (not only those who modify the penalty) attacks him, he has that AC penalty.
so if hidden-in-the-bushes orc fires an arrow @ the paladin after the paladin has killed the troll and half the kobolds but before the round ends, then the paladin has STILL the original penalty to his AC (-3 if not consentrating on the troll, -6 if consentrating.)

ALL decicions if consentrationg on one foe and penalties are calculated in the beggining of each round when deciding each-ones actions. so the point is that penalties and consentration decicions last for a FULL round, even if things change during the round

m6te tekkis umbes aasta tagasi, arutatud sai asja planetadnd-foorumis, sellest ka ingliskeelne tekst
hetkel uuesti lugedes tundub t6esti nati liiga pikk ja keerukas. yldiselt m6tlesin siis rohkem 2e combati peale, lisaks teeb asja keerulisemaks see, millal ikka tuleks see yhele vastasele konsentreerumise otsus vastu v6tta, 3e j2rgi oleks vist k6ige loogilisem, et grupika tegijad passivad koos sobivat momenti ehk delay kuni ohver on oma k2igu teinud v6i siis kui eelmine round otsustas konsentreeruda, siis saab seda j2rgmises roundis enne tema korda veel 2ra kasutada, kui kiirem oled
see tekitaks selliseid m6ne jaoks tyytuid, m6ne jaoks huvitavaid combatisisese strateegia planeerimise variante, oleks v6imalik selline yksteise ylekavaldamine, mitte lihtsalt kiire ja tuim lahmimine ;)

3e loogikale oleks vist l2hedasem konsentreerumise korral ignoreeritavatele AoO anda, aga tihti on yhe tegelase jaoks korralik AC penalty hoopis hullem kui mingitele n6rkadel tegelastel lasta enda vastu AoO teha, nad nagunii ei saa pihta ;)
pealegi kaotaks siis kogu systeem m6tte, idee oli puhtalt AC peale j22da

PostitusPostitatud: 22:33 6. Mär 2003
Postitas Payl

PostitusPostitatud: 13:05 7. Mär 2003
Postitas Udutont

PostitusPostitatud: 13:11 7. Mär 2003
Postitas Udutont

PostitusPostitatud: 13:18 7. Mär 2003
Postitas Teemon

PostitusPostitatud: 13:25 7. Mär 2003
Postitas Udutont

PostitusPostitatud: 18:31 7. Mär 2003
Postitas peil

PostitusPostitatud: 18:53 7. Mär 2003
Postitas Payl