Postitas mortimer 3:13 12. Juul 2005
Mulle tundub, et te olete liiga kinni selles, mida saaks teha ütleme järgneva 100 aasta sees.
On iseenesest mõistlik ka sellise perspektiiviga mõelda, kuid püüdkem rikastada oma diskussiooni pisut laiahaardelisemate mõtetega kaugemalt tulevikkust.
Pakun, et ma pole ainus siin, kes austab Iain M. Banksi Kultuuri-versumit ning seetõttu tsiteerin mõne lõigu selle suurepärase sarja teostest:
Consider Phlebas, Horza heideti just Idirani laevast välja ning viimane sattus ühe GCU (General Contact Unit) rünnaku alla:
"He looked for the Culture ship, then told himself not to be stupid; it was probably still several trillion kilometres away. That was how divorced from the human scale modern warfare had become. You could smash and destroy from unthinkable distances, obliterate planets from beyond their own system and provoke stars into novae from light-years off... and still have no good idea why you were really fighting."
Veel GSV (General System Vehicle) kirjeldus Consider Phlebasest: General Systems Vehicles were like encapsulated worlds. They were more than just very big spaceships; they were habitats, universities, factories, museums, dockyards, libraries, even mobile exhibition centers. They represented the Culture - they were the Culture. Almost anything that could be done anywhere in the Culture could be done on a GSV. They could make anything the Culture was capable of making, contained all the knowledge the Culture had ever accumulated, carried or could construct specialized equipment of every imaginable type for every conceivable eventuality, and continually manufactured smaller ships . . . Their complements were measured in the millions at least. They crewed their offspring ships out of the gradual increase in their own population. Self-contained, self-sufficient, productive and, in peacetime at least, continually exchanging information, they were the Culture's ambassadors, its most visible citizens and its technological and intellectual big guns. There was no need to travel from the galactic backwoods to some distant Culture home-planet to be amazed and impressed by the stunning scale and awesome power of the Culture; a GSV could bring the whole lot right up to your front door . . .
Nende tsitaatidega tahtsin näidata, et vahemaad aegruumis muutuvad tõesti tühisteks, relvade kasutus muutub AI-de poolt juhitavaks täppisteaduseks (kõik Kultuuri laevad on varustatud ühe Mõistuse (The Mind) tüüpi AIga) ja lahingud saavad läbi 0.0000000001 sekundiga, kui ROU hüppab sisse kiirusel 1000000000c olles teleportinud vastase laeva keskele mõned minimaalsed singulaarsused ning lasknud hüperruumis olles teele terve armaada jagu energia ja projektiilrelvi..
Pöördudes tagasi teie poolt eelnevalt arutletud lähituleviku temaatika juurde, siis mainitet tagasilöögi probleem kosmoses - kas selle ei kõrvalda railgun tüüpi elektromagnetiga projektiilikiirendi?