Peale Necronomiconi on "Nõiahaamer" kurikuulsuselt järgmine raamat. Ainukese vahega, et SEE raamat on ka tõepoolest olemas. Antud välja 1486 aastal kahe dominikaanlasest inkvisiitori Heinrich Krameri ja James Sprengeri poolt käsiraamatuna inkvisiitoritele. MM on täis näpunäiteid, küsimusi -vastuseid ja juhtumikirjeldusi. Ikka selleks, et teised inkvisiitorid oskaksid paremini nõidadelt ja ketseritelt ülestunnistusi välja kõrvetada ja neid paremini küsitleda. Annab väga hea ülevaate keskaja inimeste mõttemaailmast, hirmudest ja _tohutust_ ebausust. Lisan juurde ka inglisekeelse lühiülevaate raamatust.
"The Dominican monks Heinrich Kramer and James Sprenger assembled many fairy tales and magic stories, nightmares, hearsay, confessions and accusations and put this all together as factual information in what became the handbook for the witch hunters, examiners, torturers and executioners, called the Malleus Maleficarum, a title which was translated as Hammer of Witches.
Anybody with a grudge or suspicion, very young children included, could accuse anyone of witchcraft and be listened to with attention; anyone who wanted someone else's property or wife could accuse; any loner, any old person living alone, anyone with a misformity, physical or mental problem was likely to be accused. Open hunting season was declared on women, especially herb gatherers, midwives, widows and spinsters. Women who had no man to supervise them were of course highly suspicious. It has been estimated by Dr. Marija Gimbutas, professor of archaeology at the University of California, that as many as 9 million people, overwhelmingly women, were burned or hanged during the witch-craze. For nearly 250 years the Witches' Hammer was the guidebook for the witch hunters, but again some of the inquisitioners had misgivings about this devilish book. In a letter dated November 27, 1538 Salazar advised the inquisitioners not to believe everything they read in Malleus Maleficarum, even if the authors write about it as something they themselves have seen and investigated (Henningson p.347)."
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PS. Ahjaa, raamat on ladina keelest tõlgitud inglise keelde.