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Dragon.ee foorum • Vaata teemat - Babylon 5-e film: "The Memory of Shadows"

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Babylon 5-e film: "The Memory of Shadows"

Fantastika, teaduslik fantastika ja õudus; jutud, filmid, muusika jne

Moderaatorid: surra, Irve

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Babylon 5-e film: "The Memory of Shadows"

PostitusPostitas pronto 14:41 9. Dets 2004

Dani Filth on nõme
Saladuste hoidja
Postitusi: 3812
Asukoht: Tallinn

PostitusPostitas Paganarh 14:59 9. Dets 2004

Postitusi: 1599
Asukoht: orbiidil

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PostitusPostitas YnX 15:21 9. Dets 2004

"Enne kui leiutati maamiinid, käisid naised meestest tagapool"
Postitusi: 540
Asukoht: Tallinn

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PostitusPostitas logerin 15:23 9. Dets 2004

Kõrini sellest, et k6ik kirjutavad siia midagi igavat.
Haldjate sõber
Postitusi: 324
Asukoht: Tartu

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PostitusPostitas Tuisk 15:29 9. Dets 2004

Postitusi: 189
Asukoht: Tallinn

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PostitusPostitas Merlon 15:35 9. Dets 2004

Postitusi: 613
Asukoht: Pärnu

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PostitusPostitas logerin 15:47 9. Dets 2004

Kõrini sellest, et k6ik kirjutavad siia midagi igavat.
Haldjate sõber
Postitusi: 324
Asukoht: Tartu

Kasutaja avatar

PostitusPostitas pronto 9:21 10. Dets 2004

Noh, ma eeldan, et kui kinomehed oma turunišši ei näe, siis p2p võrgumehed ikka näevad. Kuid olgem ausad, ka mina vaatasin seda sarja silmad punnis peas, kui see telekast tuli.
Dani Filth on nõme
Saladuste hoidja
Postitusi: 3812
Asukoht: Tallinn

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PostitusPostitas logerin 11:37 10. Dets 2004

Kõrini sellest, et k6ik kirjutavad siia midagi igavat.
Haldjate sõber
Postitusi: 324
Asukoht: Tartu

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PostitusPostitas TrekRanger 19:43 10. Dets 2004

Babylon 5 oli tõesti fenomenaalne ulmesari, enam paremat annab välja mõelda. 8)

Loodan, et uus film tuleb sama hea, kui eelnevad.

Tundub, et filmis kasutatakse ka Crusade'i tegelasi, mis peaks kahtlemata kõvasti vürtsi lisama. ;)
We live for the one, we die for the one
Postitusi: 19
Asukoht: Tallinn

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PostitusPostitas Marat Sar 13:41 12. Dets 2004

implausibly wealthy, intelligent, physically attractive and free of doubt while arrayed against antagonists who are weak, pathetic, full of uncertainty, and lacking in imagination and talent
Marat Sar
Postitusi: 777
Asukoht: Elyysium

Kasutaja avatar

PostitusPostitas pronto 19:32 12. Dets 2004

minu arvates ei olekski õige rääkida B5-st, kui ulmesarjast, vaid pigem kui heast seebikast üldisemalt. See, et see juhuslikult oli paigutatud ulmekeskkonda lisas veelgi võimalusi. Ulmekate paha viga kipub olema see, et ulmet võetakse kui eesmärki omaette, mitte kui tausta.

Üldiselt see Crusade tegelese kasutamine iseenesest väga popp ei pruugi olla, sest ega see Crusade nüüd millegagi väga ei hiialnud kah. Samas ega neid vast palju valikut ei ole, sest filmi seisukohalt vast tõesti poleks kogu seda kirjut pandet mõttekas kokku lappida, vaid panna rõhk ühe tegelase peale. Noh, ja Crusadet ei saa nagu ignoreerida kah. Sisuliselt oli see ju B5-e lühikeseks jäänud jätk.

Igal juhul ootame kannatamatult.
Dani Filth on nõme
Saladuste hoidja
Postitusi: 3812
Asukoht: Tallinn

Kasutaja avatar

PostitusPostitas Tanel 13:52 9. Mär 2005

Mnjah, okruti b5 communityst leidsin sellise postituse..

A message from jms regarding TMoS

The rule of thumb in Hollywood is that for every thousand scripts that
get written, only a few dozen get into development, and out of those,
only one will ever get made...if that.

A little over a year ago, I was approached by a company that wanted to
make a Babylon 5 movie. They optioned the rights, and commissioned a
script. (It's worth mentioning that I, not WB, own the rights to a B5
movie. When we were negotiating the original B5 deal -- by whose terms
I will never see a dime in profit -- the one thing they did let me have
were the movie rights, figuring they'd never be worth anything in the
long run.)

Anyway...on December 27th of 2003, the script for "The Memory of
Shadows" was turned in, and the process began of trying to make the
deal work with all the various forces involved. It is, to say the
least, a very difficult process on any movie where the studio does not
directly take the financial reins. In terms of B5, Warner's position
was esssentially, "We only do big-budget movies with big names, so
you're on your own." If there were big-name movie actors in the film,
they'd get behind it; without that, things become very problematic,
especially as far as the financing was concerned. You much have to put
together a consortium of international interests and business plans
rivaled in complexity only by the Allied invasion of Normandy Beach.

Nonetheless, every attempt was made by the people involved to get this
deal in place. This was not being done by Doug or myself, but rather
by the company/individuals who approached us and optioned the rights.
At times, it seemed we were inches away from a deal...stages were
reserved at Elstree, actors were contacted, a director was in place,
the script went through many revisions, a few key staff were hired,
again not by me...it was really a year-long roller coaster ride.
During that time, the people involved, with every good intention, tried
very hard to pull the necessary pieces together on the deal.
option expired in late December 2004, but I renewed it without cost, to
give those involved more time to try and make things work.

In the end, however, the deal could be put together, and it did not
look as if that was going to change at any point in the foreseeable
future. So the option has reverted, and to all intents and purposes,
the project has dead ended. Nor do I think this particular incarnation
will arise again at any point in the future, though prognostication has
always been a tricky art, especially if you have to do it without the
benefit of hindsight.

This was not the first time someone's taken a run at a B5 feature film,
and it will not be the last. Eventually it will happen, because such
things are simply inevitable. If they can do a Brady Bunch movie, you
can be sure that sooner or later, somebody's going to do a B5 movie.
The only thing I can say without equivocation is that when that day
comes, as the rights-holder, I will make darned sure that it's done
right, because I'd rather have no B5 movie than one that doesn't live
up to what fans and I myself would want to see.

To that end...I can wait.

Anyway, just thought you should know the story.


(message content (c) 2005
by Synthetic Worlds, Ltd.
Rights to reprint specifically
denied to SFX Magazine)

kui ma nüüd just millestki valesti aru ei saanud siis see projekt on surnud..

Kunagine Galadthon Anuvrael

Death Before Dishonour - Resurrection Before Lunch.
Postitusi: 798
Asukoht: Tallinn

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PostitusPostitas pronto 14:08 9. Mär 2005

Dani Filth on nõme
Saladuste hoidja
Postitusi: 3812
Asukoht: Tallinn

Kasutaja avatar

PostitusPostitas Fermir 16:29 9. Mär 2005

Amin khiluva lle a' gurtha ar' thar
Postitusi: 50
Asukoht: Triboar


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