Niisiis. Vaatasin TrasSib lehekylje yle ja kõik on väga päikesepaisteline. Mind on ootamas filosoofiline vodkajoomine soojas rongis, huvitavate ja meeldivate inimeste seltsis:
Lehekylg räägib, et:
(1) The Trans Siberian is the most important and the longest railway on the Earth, and it is a good thing to do if you pass it at least once in your life.
(2) This journey goes through all Russia, and then continues into Mongolia and China. You will get a real
feel of what these three countries and their people are like after you will have done it (especially, if you allow yourself time to get off the train a few times).
(3) You will find out finally, what Siberia is like. Whether it is true that there are bears on the streets, and drunk men with guns and fur hats.
Actually, Siberians are the warmest and most inviting people you will ever meet. And Siberia's nature is so untouched and pristine, that you will truly enjoy it.
(4) You will experience Baikal ? the largest and deepest fresh water lake on the Earth. It is a truly amazing and natural place. And it worths traveling along the TransSib just for this only, believe us. (and it's not as cold as they say!)
(5) You can meet many interesting people on board the train.
(7) It is a great opportunity for relaxing and reflecting: you will have much free time for mental activities.
(8) Now, if you don't feel like thinking too much, you can also join in some Russians in the train, and have the longest ever vodka party in your life.
(9) Finally, Trans-Siberian is a reliable and inexpensive way (comparing to an air flight) to get between Europe and Asia.
Nii et - mehed, mis te pablate!
Ei aga - kõik paistab olema umbes 4644 krooni ulatuses piletites ja võtab aega maksimaalselt kaks ja pool nädalat.
Yhe agaga.
See on Tallinnast KHABAROVSKI. Kuidas ma yletan seitsesada-kilomeetrise vahemaa Khabarovskist Vladivostoki ja Khabarovskisse tagasi - hui znaajesh!
implausibly wealthy, intelligent, physically attractive and free of doubt while arrayed against antagonists who are weak, pathetic, full of uncertainty, and lacking in imagination and talent