Human Virus Scanner
The virus that have infected you will be show here along with thier cures, if known.
Pikachu! Use your hyper-electric-get-a-life move now!
Go read Brunching
Eat some real food. Something which you can identify the source of every ingredient, not the point of manufacture.
No need for cure. Benign virus.
Stop caring!
Linux (80%)
Install the latest version of Microsoft Windows. Learn to love it.
BBCB (70%)
CTRL-Break, and get a real computer. Repeat: "Mode 7 was not a good thing."
Japan (85%)
Big is good. Small is bad. Giant robots would not make a good last line of defence for Earth.
Religion (90%)
Read "God's Debris" by Scott Adams (yes, the Dilbert guy)
Free BSD (90%)
The GPL isn't that bad really. Adopt a penguin at the zoo.
Discordia (70%)
Buy a suit. Invest your money. Eat hotdog buns on a friday.
Brand Names (85%)
Having a well-known name doesn't make it good.
Computer Games (80%)
Stop staring at the screen and get some fresh air. You should see a doctor about the RSI in your thumbs.
Environmentalism (73%)
Consume more stuff! It's easier to buy new stuff than to recycle.
Cars (75%)
There just hunks of metal which go real fast. Ride a bike through London at rush hour.
Football (75%)
Do something unhealthy and indoors, away from the Bears.
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