Postitas Udutont 1:58 25. Dets 2002
Orkidest ja goblinitest Tolki maailmas.
Sain just tagasi oma Tolki entsüklopeedia (Üthlasi sain Varrakust siseinfot, et selle entsüklopeedia tõlge tuli trükikojast välja u 30h tagasi. Reedel peaks juba saada olema, keda huvitab. Mul on üpris kõrged lootused, kuna tõlkijaks on seekord Tolki tõsine huvline - Marek Laane. )
See enstüklopeedia ei ole muidgi kanoonilne tekst (koostaja D.Day), aga mingit toetust argumentidele sealt ikkagi saab. Tsiteerin:
Goblins - Those creatures that Men now name Goblins are dwellers in darkness who were spawned for evil purposes. In earlier days they were called Orcs. Black-blooded, red-eyed and hateful in nature are these Goblin people, and though they are now reduced to beings committed to minor deeds of mischief, they were once a race bent on vast plans of terrible tyranny.
Hobgoblins - The evil beings to whom Men now give the name Goblin were the days of Middle-earth called Orcs, and they were many kinds. Most powerful of these were the Uruk-hai: Man-sized creatures of great strength and endurance; like the smaller breeds in wickedness, but stronger and unafraid of light. often these were the cruel leaders of the lesser Goblin folk, and they formed élite fighting units within larger army. They are sometimes called Geat Goblins, or Hobgoblins, even though they could wreak far greater evil in ancient times than now.
Orcs (~4 lk tihedat teksti, järgnevalt mõned väljavõtted) - From these [elves] he [Melkor] bred a Goblin race of slaves who were as loathsome as Elves were fair. These were the Orcs, a multitude brought forth in shapes twisted by pain and hate. Orcs were spawned as thralls of the Master of Darkness; therefore they were fearful of light., for it weakened and burned them. ... the Dark lord became black smoke dispelled by a west wind, and the Orcs perished like straw before falmes. Though some sruvived, they never again rose in great numbers, but dwindled and became a minor Goblin folk possessed of but a rumour of their ancient evil power.
Ehk siis Orcs=Goblins, aga samas näikse Goblin olevat laiem mõiste (vt nt eelmise lõigu viimast lauset)