Mina ise kasutan tulirelvade tarbeks Silverblades'i reegleid, väga põhjalikud ja reaalsed. Testitud ohtralt, töötavad ideaalselt, linki ma siia tooma ei hakka, olen seda vist maininud juba mingi... 4 korda juba, parem siis kopipaste, toon laskekiiruse reeglid siia näituseks:
This is a major difference between firearms and melee attacks and weapons like bows. Guns are totally mechanical devices, the number of potential attacks is primarily based on how fast the weapon can fire! It doesn't matter if the user is a lvl 1 street punk or a lvl 20 Elite soldier, an AK 47 will still fire the same number of bullets, but the soldier will hit a damn sight more often than the untrained punk! Most weapons are semi-automatic, firing one bullet per trigger pull, others are capable of automatic fire, where they fire as long as the trigger is depressed. The big issue with firing guns is the severe recoil, the more bullets you fire, the less likely you are to hit. In D&D terms, for every bullet you fire in a round you suffer a cumulative-1 hit penalty, and use your base ATK, Dexterity and the bonus for the firearm combined.
Most firearms maximum rate of fire is 6 shots per round (semi-auotmatic); 30 shots per round for most automatic weapons; 60 per round for betl fed/tripod/bipod machine guns; 3 shopts per round for bolt actions; 4 for pumpaction.
Firing more than one shot is a FULL ROUND ACTION. The user may of course chose ot fire one shot, or any number up to their maximum.
For example, a lvl 10 fighter with 15 Dexterity is firing an M16 assault rifle at an enemy, he's firing slowly using precise shots and conserving ammo, so he is only taking 1 shot per round (+10 for level, +2 for Dexterity, +6 for Light Rifle type, -1as he's firing only one bullet per round = +17 ATK), if he was firing full auto, trying to hose down the target, he'd get up to 30 shots in a round but at -12 ATK (+10 level, +2 Dex, +6 weapon type, -30 for 30 shots). Full automatic fire is hell of an innacurate, it's really meant to be used for "suppression fire", see below. Now if a foolish gang member, lvl 1 rogue, opened fire with an AK-47 full auto 30 rounds to hit one specific target, he'd suffer a -34 Atk penalty, -4 for not having the Automatic Weapon Feat (which takes training to learn), and -30 for the number of rounds! So the odds of him hitting any target except by sheer bad luck on the victim's part is pretty small, which is how it works in real life.
Maximum firing rates for various weapons:
Single barrel: 1 per round
Double barrel: 2 per round
Bolt action: 3 per round
Pump or lever action: 4 per round
Semi auto or Revolver: 6 per round
Full auto: up to 30 per round
Belt Fed auto: up to 60 per round
Muzzle loading pistol or musket: 1 per 4 rounds
Percussion cap muzzle loader: 1 per 3 rounds