Paranoia ja ultravioleti koha pealt jääb asi segaseks - kas viitad Dan Brownile ja Vampiiride nõrkusele? (Kui Sa muidugi ei mõtle D&D Paranoiat, millest mulle on siit loetu põhjal jäänud mulje kui millestki üsna lahedast)
Siiski, kui Sa juba teemat tahtsid nõnda suunata vana hea poole tagasi ja etümoloogiast eemalduda, siis ehk vastaksid ka enda puudutatud teemat: miks Birthright on lahe ja miks seda on samas vaja täiustada? Kui võimalik, siis mitte omakorda eemalduda Highlanderi teemadele, kuna ka see on kõrvalekalle teemast
Anyway, kuna ma ei tunne seda Birthrighti värki eriti hästi, siis mõtlesin asjale pilgu peale visata. oli üsna väheinformatiivne, sealt leidsin mingi sellise joda:
Bloodline: A character’s bloodline is his heritage of divine power, created long ago when certain heroes were imbued with the essence of gods during a titanic battle with evil. Bloodlines are described by strength and derivation; many characters command unique blood abilities, supernatural powers given only to scions of the ancient lines.
Ise olen näinud mingeid heritage feate ja featid a la Axiomatic heritage jätsid täitsa hea mulje. Good vs Evil on natukene vähem huvitav kui Law vs Chaos, aga see selleks...
Domain: A domain is a kingdom, guild, temple, or magical dominion controlled by a character. Any blooded scion who rules a domain is known as a regent; he accumulates Regency Points (RP) based on the strength of his domain and the success of his rule. Domains are composed of provinces, or physical territories, and various types of holdings found within provinces.
Näib esmapilgul nagu midagi, mille asemel oleks parem Civilizationit mängida
Domain Turn: The Domain Turn is a three-month period of game time, divided into one-month Action Rounds. During the Domain Turn, regents collect taxes, raise armies, and engage in political or military actions to lead their domains to prosperity and power.
Omapärane. Võimalik, et mõni mäng mängitakse vist paari domain turni jooksul läbi - kui just ei pea mööda maad reisima nädalate kaupa. Aga dungeonist dungeoni teleportides tundub olevat võimalik vähemalt core setis kogu möll kolme kuuga ära teha. Samas, pika mängu puhul saavad vähemalt munchkin maagid vanuse tõttu oma +1 INT/WIS/CHA kätte
Regency: Regency is the mystical aura of command and presence that surrounds the blooded rulers of domains. It is measured in game terms by a character’s Regency Point score. Naturally, only regents—characters who rule domains—accumulate regency.
Niisiis, siin on suurim erinevus - lisaks EXPale, kullale ja rollile on vaja veel võimu ja olla kunn. Võib-olla oleks tõesti lahe korraldada riigis näiteks rahareform või siis tekitada väike kodusõda.
Wikipedias oli järgmine sissekanne:
Birthright is a Dungeons & Dragons campaign setting based on the world of Aebrynis on the continent of Cerilia, in which the players took on the powers of the divinely-empowered rulers of nations, with emphasis on tactical gameplay. In 1996, Birthright won the Origins Award for Best Roleplaying Supplement of 1995. At the time of this writing, an informal version of Birthright is being constructed for use with the Third Edition of Dungeons and Dragons rules, apparently a community project collaboratively structured over the internet. At the time of this writing, Birthright has no present corporate support, unlike Forgotten Realms, and Greyhawk.
The game revolves around the concept of bloodlines: divine power granted to heroes and passed to their descendants. Members of a bloodline create an aura of command known as Regency, which is measured in the game using regency points. Using regency, characters acquire a 'domain composed of provinces and holdings, and the development of these domains is as much a part of the game as development of the characters. The game uses three-month turns to model actions of rulers over nations in much the same way as Dungeons and Dragons (and hence, Birthright) uses combat rounds simulating six-seconds of time to
model the characters' actions in battle.