Postitas Aeg 8:27 5. Apr 2004
Kui Sa tahad olla osa rahvusvahelisest tiimist ja anda oma väike või suur panus Dragonbane'i korraldamisse, siis Sinu osalus on üliväga oodatud.
Grupid, milles saab kaasa lüüa, on järgmised:
Academic study & research
Core team
Costume Design
Creative Core Group
Culture, music and dance
Discussion Group
Documentary Team
Graphical look & feel
IT administration
IT Helpdesk - 1st line of support
Location, logistics, environment, safety & security
Partners & Sponsors
Press & Media relations
Production team
Proofreading and translation
Public Web Team
Special Effects
Staging, props & building
Writing team
Ametlik teade ka:
The Dragonbane project was officially launched February 19th.
The Dragonbane game location has been chosen. The game will take place at the Soomaa National Park in Estonia, which is about 150 km from Tallinn. The area designated for Dragonbane is about 7 square kilometres of varying kinds of forest and swamp, in an area of the park where it will not interfere with other park projects. There is a 15-meter wide river going through the site, and it is also possible to have some character groups travel long distances fully in-character through the forest before reaching Cinderhill and any other character groups.
New people have joined the project, making the team even more international. The addition of team members from the countries of Brazil, Turkey, Israel, and Austria, Dragonbane now boasts organisers from fifteen different countries.
Dragonbane has obtained several new commercial and academic partners. Among the more than ten new business partners are companies such as Bauhaus and Panasonic. The new academic partners include Tampere Technical University, The Interactive Institute, and the Hypermedia Laboratory at Tampere University.
The work on translating the book Myrskyn aika, which the game will be based on, has begun, and will be completed during the second quarter of 2004. It is currently being translated into English, Swedish, German, French, Italian, Estonian, and Russian, with the English version being done by late April.
* Half a dozen newspaper and magazine articles about Dragonbane have been published in Europe and Canada already.
* Some of the teams have been restructured, and are expected to work more smoothly during the second quarter under new leadership.
* The special effects demonstration video premiered at Solmukohta.