Postitas chloe 1:08 9. Juul 2012
Pilet leidis omaniku, aga natuke reeglite uuendustest:
ENGLISH (not finalized)
Freeplay is:
- Freeplay is made for groups
- Fun for all participants
- Playing together and a good show are the priorities in a fight
- Trying to win is left behind
- Group A and B (possibly even group C, D, E ..) agree upon how they want to fight together
- Nobody is forced to participate – you may join in if you like
- You may take along a dedicated “Freeplay Banner” which signals the interest of your group for Freeplay
A few scenarios:
How does it work? (FW = Freeplay Wanted)
Group 1 (FW) vs. Group 2 (no FW) = no Freeplay but a normal fight after the regular Drachenfest-Rules
Group 1 (FW) vs. Group 2 (FW) = Freeplay
Group 1 (FW) vs. Group 2 (FW) + Group 3 (no FW) = no Freeplay but a normal fight after the regular Drachenfest-Rules
If there is a group (no FW) participating at the start of a fight there will be no Freeplay and only the regular DF rules apply.
If there is a group (no FW) accompanying a group (FW) the group (FW) may not bear a Freeplay banner.
If a group (no FW) is closing in on a battle with Freeplay banners it shall accept the Freeplay rules or kindly passes by and does not join the fight.
The idea behind Freeplay is a more open style of fighting for all those who are interested.
What does it mean?
It means it is an option for all those who are interested.
This choice is never “one-way” – Freeplay is decided upon by interested only. Since this will be the first time we will try this at Drachenfest it has some “experimental character” to it and the Management reserves the right to evoke this option at any given time (due to problems) and thereby restoring the state as of today.
It is on you if it will work out!
What does it mean?
Spoiler for Hiden:
This means we will simply try it out in order to fulfil an apparent need of several players. The focus hereby is on “experimental character”. Freeplay is not the “greater good” but rather the “traditional Drachenfest” which battles and fights are somewhat static, boring and even dangerous at some point and especially the combative players only had only the choice to tolerate this in silence.
This style of fighting has the focus on good show – therefore it passes on most regular rules like hit- or armorpoints.
What does it mean?
Spoiler for Hiden:
We play for the sake of fighting (not winning!). The focus is on a good, realistic and save representation of a fight.
Furthermore the outcome of a Freeplay Battle does only effect the rest of the Drachenfest if both sides agree upon this beforehand.
A Freeplay fight does not enable a camp to lose items relevant to the Drachenfest competition like banners or dragon eggs. The reason behind is so nobody feels like he has to participate in a Freeplay fight in order to help the camp.
As everything concerning a Freeplay fight this is of course up for discussion as well. Within a fight based on good show there is less competition and therefore less focus on winning the battle; more on keeping it save. This even allows you to agree upon loosening some constraints like night-battles, infight or assaults in order to deliver a better show.
What does it mean?
Spoiler for Hiden:
It does not matter if you win or loose. At least not regarding the Drachenfest competition. Freeplay is all about good show – being nice and fair. Beating your opponent in a good way and being beaten in good way. Be part of an awesome, well portrayed (maybe even epic) battle. Enjoying the moment rather than winning by rules. Going home and keeping this unique memory.
The definition of a “depictional fight” shall be used in the following lines simply in order to differentiate it towards the usual LARP-fighting and does not imply and expectations or frame agreements.
What does it mean?
Spoiler for Hiden:
To a battle there are always two or more parties. Those parties define prior to the battle how the want to fight. Therefore the expectations of the depictional fight are set and it is agreed upon how to tread each other.
This agreement does not necessarily include who will win the fight unless the parties choose to do so.
Since this way of a depictional fight is new there are a few important points to mention:
I. Marking and agreeing upon a depictional fight
Contrary to individual players or smaller groups a bigger group can not communicate how they would like to handle a depictional fight within a short timeframe. There are two ways to solve this problem:
1.) Communication ahead of the fight.
A person of trust for the the group which is interested in a Freeplay fight talks prior to the battle to a person of trust of the group it wants to fight and both talk about the rules which will apply for this specific Freeplay fight. Both then talk to a referee / GM and inform him about the planned Freeplay battle (who will participate, which rules apply). This is especially important for battles at night.
Example 1: Two camps
Spoiler for Hiden:
Camp 1 and 2 know that they share a similar interest in fighting and have interest in Freeplay.
One sunny morning some folks of camp 1 go to camp 2 and talk about the “Rules of Engagement” – this would be (roughly):
1.) Yeah – lets have some good time and fight Freeplay
2.) Camp 2 wants to bring canons and shoot around a bit. Camp 1 wants to assault these later on. Maybe wait a bit so camp 2 can shoot a bit beforehand.
3.) The want to take of each other – no special rules apply, the simply will take care and beat each other “nicely”.
This has worked out great.
Freeplay because every participant knew ahead and greed upon something which every participant liked. No third party engaged but rather passed by or watched.
Example 2: Two + One camp
Spoiler for Hiden:
One sunny morning some folks of camp 1 go to camp 2 and say “Hey I wanna talk to your boss!”
Talking to the boss they say “Hey we would like to come by and bring some catapults and everything. Since a siege is somewhat annoying it would be great if you would then open your walls and just run out and approach us in battle. We would move back a bit so there will be plenty of space and we will have a good time! People in our camp do not like hits to the head so please cancel those out.”
The boss of camp 2 says: “Sounds awesome. You know what: I think Camp 3 is approaching over there – they wanna join in as well I think. We will tell them “no head-hitting” and we are ready to go! What about stabbing?”
Camp 1 folks: “Naaaa – our guys don’t like that. So no “head-hitting” and no “stabbing”. Lets do it!
Situation within the camps:
Some people in camp 1 do not want to participate since the do not like the way camp 2 fights.
Some people in camp 2 do not want to participate since it is too warm or they wanna do something else.
Camp 3 has found some allies whilst running around in circles picking flowers and has therefore grown in numbers a bit. Whilst watching butterflies the people out of camp 3 have told those allies as well that they a Freefighting camp 2 – usually with head hitting and stabbing so they know just in case camp 2 will attack some time.
Later that day:
Camp 1 is standing in front of camp 2 – the gates are already open since camp 3 has chosen to go there. Camp 1 and 3 join together and start fighting camp 2 as allies without head hitting or stabbing.
Of course at the beginning the might have been some misunderstandings since camp 2 and 3 usually use to do that but the were told that those rules to not apply for this special fight and everything is fine.
This was achieved since people talked to each other.
Everyone is happy and having a great time
2.) Communication with visual signals.
Groups which approach a battle against each others and have not spoken prior to the fight bear a banner or something similar which clearly declares their interest in Freeplay.
(Explanation missing – will be added later on)
As a proposal: four parallel swords on black ground. If two groups with these symbols clash the can clearly identify the interested of each other for Freeplay.
Please make sure your symbols look somewhat alike!
Important: Both parties shall switch to the old rules in case of any mistakes. Since there was no declaration of the intentions of this Freeplay ahead of battle it is crucial that all participants do now the list mentions within II. of this text.
If possible it would be good to tell a referee / GM in order for them to take precautions as mentioned in before.
This is especially the case during daytime.
II. Common sense and reflexion
In a Freeplay the show itself is an important aspect. This includes cinematic jumps into the enemy shield wall and kicking those people back. Similar to Wrestling one has to look out for the proportionality. This means no only being really really careful if you are heavier (armoured) or simply taller / stronger than your opponent (a 250 pound warrior jumping 100 pound mage) but as well looking out for quality of equipment or fitness itself. As well as the surroundings of course.
Vana skinhead õpetab noort
-Poju, kujuta ette,et jalutad metsas ja äkki ronib põõsast välja inimene,i melikult riides, naeratab, kaasas on kitarr ja käes on kepp. See on larpar ja jumal tehku nii, et sa teda hipiga segi ei ajaks...