"..... üksik purjekas loksub vaikselt koos lainetega Läänemerel... purjeka tekil on näha jälgi võitlusest ja laual poolikult kooritud apelsin... Raadiost kostub muusika, mille katkestavad uudised " Tere päevast - eetris on Kuku raadio uudised.. on 1. mai ja kell on 13.00..."
2. mai ja delfi.ee pealkirjad:
"Zombide rünnak Eesti rannikuvetes - Erand või uus olukord?" (235)
"Zombid ja surnud alad läänemeres - Mida otsustab valitsus?" (156)
" Riigikogu on lõhenenud - Kas Läänemere elukeskonna seadus lõhub uue koalitsiooni" (400)
4. mai Postimehe arvamuskülg "9.Mai konverents "Läänemere tulevik" on otsustav"
"Kui algselt välja kuulutatud konverent 9.mail Suure Tõllu pardal pidi olema lihtne soov juhtida ühiskonna tähelepanu Läänemeres paiknevate surnud aladega seotud probleemidele, siis nüüd on sellest kujunemas kaalukas üritus, mille tulemustest võib sõltuda riigikogu edasised otsused Läänemere teemadel. Osalejate nimekiri on muljet avaldav - Lubanud on tulla mitmed Riigikogu liikmed, tuntumad keskkonna aktivistid, meediakanalid ja Eesti Talupidajate keskliidu esindajad......."
Goethe Instituut korraldab Läänemere elukeskonna teemalise LARPi 9.mail Suure Tõllu pardal
Mängu algusaeg on umbes kell 12 (täpsustamisel) ja kestab orienteeruvalt kella 17ni
Mäng on TASUTA ja palun registreerige AINULT juhul kui te 140% tulla saate.
NB! Kuulutus täieneb jooksvalt
Valmis rollidega kohti on 20 ja registreerimiseks tuleb täita ankeet: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/13wIAeU ... rm?c=0&w=1
Ametlik tutvustus:
The World of Baltic Warriors
The world of Baltic Warriors is basically the same one we are living in. The only
difference is that in autumn 2014, viking zombies rose from the sea and
appeared in a political gathering in central Helsinki, Finland. Most scientists
agree that in the "dead" areas of Baltic Sea, where there's no oxygen,
zombification of human or animal bodies can happen. However, it is still
considered a rare phenomenon. The dead areas are caused by eutrophication.
The zombie attack in Helsinki made big headlines, and for a while, zombie panic
struck Estonia. In Tallinn, guards were deployed to most important coastal areas
in case zombies will appear. They still patrol the harbours, but many say this is
nothing but security theatre: it's unclear what the guards would actually do in
case zombies appeared.
It's now almost a year since the zombie incident in Helsinki. It has been more or
less forgotten. There are many online communities, where zombies (and various
conspiracy theories related to them) are discussed. There are networks where
people who have supposedly seen zombies at sea post about their "zombie
observations", but none of them have been confirmed by officials.
Basically, people lead normal lives. Zombies are seen as something that can
happen somewhere else, to someone else. Politicians continue making deals with
industries, and lobbyists keep lobbying against environmental laws. Zombies can
be viewed a little bit like climate change and other serious environmental
problems: practically everybody knows about them and is worried on some
level, but on some other level it feels unreal, and it's all too easy to continue
living the way you've always lived.
The situation
9. May at 5 pm the parlament will vote about a new
agricultural law. If the law passes, the restrictions on agricultural emissions will
be applicable to emissions to water, not just aerial emissions. The game is set in a
public discussion about the new law. Members of the parliament have come
there to get an idea of citizens' opinions. Some of the players are politicians and
their aides, others try to affect their decisions. During the game different people
give short speeches related to the Baltic Sea. The parliament is divided, and the
vote is a so called matter of conscience: every MP votes according to her
conscience rather than according to the party line. In practice, the fate of the law
is decided at the event.
Well-known organizations
Baltic Balance is an international company that provides expertise in matters
related to the Baltic Sea. They are often employed by agricultural businesses,
energy industry, and fishing businesses, but also by cities and states.
Committee for Saving the Baltic Sea from Eutrophication (CSBSE) is a NGO
concentrating on environmental issues. Their focus is on Baltic Sea and
EcoTech is a small green technology start up. They claim to provide technological
solutions for environmental problems. The company has often taken stands on
social issues and promoted liberal values such as e.g. gay marriage. As a result,
many fundamentalist Christians think there is something Satanic about EcoTech.