Postitas mart 11:07 12. Sept 2011
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Top FifteenWays to Improve Your Gamemastering
1. Choose your players wisely
2. Follow the rule of fun, not the rule of law
3. Don’t pretend to be neutral; play on the same team as the players
4. Put well over half of your prep time into PC and GC (gamemaster character, D&Ds oleks see NPC, ülejäänud lühendid peaksid olema arusaadavad) creation
5. Abandon any plotting, three act structures, or pre-scripted events; focus instead on creating conflict
6. Keep the pressure and tension high; use instant obstacles as needed
7. Always end on a cliffhanger
8. Flow smoothly between Judge, Actor and Camera modes
9. Re-use existing GCs whenever possible
10. Use Skeleton and Brute Squad sheets to make every GC encounter memorable
11. Up the emotional stakes by using the Fork
12. Keep all the players equally engaged and give opportunities to use each characters’ skills
13. Layer multiple adventures to create depth and choices
14. Prepare to be surprised and turn the tables with minimizing, mystifying, stalling and delaying tactics
15. Make the Nemesis the center of conflict
Top Ten Gamemaster Mistakes
1. Killing player characters
2. Making fun of a player (IC to the PC from a GC is all in good fun)
3. Letting things get boring
4. Taking actions on behalf of player characters
5. Forcing players to stick to a storyline or predetermined plot
6. Speaking in a monotone
7. Over-preparing
8. Speaking excessively OOC (as Gamemaster instead of roleplaying GCs)
9. Allowing players to get too powerful too fast
10. Reading prepared text out loud word for word