See maailm on suuremas osas kirjutatud ühe Geeniuse poolt, kes juhtumisi on Põhja-Ameerika päritoluga (vaata teemat ’D&D maailmad’, ). Geeniuse nimi on N-Robin Crossby ja tegu on Anglo-Welshi literaadiga. Kaasautoritest on suur osa ajaloolased, arheoloogid jms. Tihti on tegu oma erialal tunnustatud inimestega. Sellest tulenevalt on Harni ametlik materjal reeglina ka väga põhjalik ja hästi kirjutatud ning orienteeritud veidi vanemale seltskonnale kui D&D.
Harnworld on low magic ja low fantasy. Peamine ’dungeon’ on küla või mõis ja peamine koll inimene. Laias laastus vastab Harn ligikaudu 12 saj Britanniale, kuigi näeb muidugi kujult, ajaloo poolest jne hoopis teistsugune välja. Harn on põhisaar/kontinent. Lisaks on taustaks kirjeldatud muud maailma, mis sarnaneb suht varjamatult meie oma maailma paikadele. Siinkohal leiavad võib olla paljud, et igav ja mage värk. Ei vaidle vastu. Harn on üsna kitsale grupile orienteeritud, keda huvitab rohkem rollimäng ja realism kui drägonite tagaajamine lendavatel vaipadel. Samas ei ole tegu keskkaja taasloomisega nagu Ars Magica. Tsiteerin N.Robin Crossby’d:
„Fantasy role playing is a trinity of three vital elements: gamemastering, rules, and environment. The first needs little explanation: even the best environment and rules will not survive the misjudgments of a bad GM, but they can make a talented rookie shine. Rules are no more than a mechanical set of guidelines, an attempt to formulate common sense into some pretty weird stuff.
HarnWolrd belongs to the third element of FRP. A good environmental framework is a painstaking endeavor that takes many, many years of blood and sweat to create. Something like 30 man-years has gone into HarnWorld products.
All works of fantasy should be woven of familiar threads. Because it is impossible to entirely describe an alien world, readers must be able to fill in the gaps with their own knowledge and experience. /../ In the meantime, the reader can take comfort from knowing that this world operates under the same physical laws and social dynamics as medieval Terra.
Of course in any fantasy the viewer/player must suspend his disbelief. In fantasy role playing, most are willing to accept that magic works and that fell beasties roam the wilderness. Outlandish beasts and strange powers and strange esoteric phenomena exist in HarnWorld but they are carefully blended with medieval reality.
With roleplaying there is a vital element of mood, and this elusive principle lies at the heart of HarnWorld. While it is true that magic-strong, hack and slash environs can keep players busy for a time, only an environment that is fundamentally rational can give the feeling that one is involved in an epic.
Harnwolrd was specifically created for roleplaying as opposed to dragon-bashing. Those who have so far limited their FRP activity to random forays into disjointed chaos have missed at least half of the fun of this exciting hobby. Harnworld is, I believe, an epic product, with all the fantasy you want, and all the realism you need.“